November 13, 2018 | Town Council Meeting Minutes

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Council Meetings

Council Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at the meeting room behind St. Johns Church, 8. N. Second St. These public meetings start at 7:00 PM. The public is encouraged to attend. Please contact the Town Office at least two (2) weeks prior to a Council Meeting if you would like to get a topic on the agenda.

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Planning and Zoning

Regularly scheduled Woodsboro Planning & Zoning Meetings are held on the first Monday each month at the meeting room behind St. Johns Church, 8. N. Second St. The public is welcome to attend these meetings, which start at 6:00 PM.

Woodsboro Planning & Zoning Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month as needed at 6:00 PM at the meeting room behind St. Johns Church, 8. N. Second St. Please contact the town office to be added to the agenda one (1) month prior to the meeting if you have business to discuss.  If there are no topics brought forth to be placed on the agenda 1 month before this meeting, the committee will not meet that month.

Planning & Zoning Minutes


Town Offices:

Corporation of Woodsboro
Mary E Rice | Town Clerk
Council Drive
P.O. Box 88
Woodsboro MD, 21798

Phone: (301) 898-3800

Town Council Meeting Minutes

Woodsboro, Maryland
November 13, 2018

The Woodsboro Town Council met today at 7:00 PM in the fellowship room of St. John’s UCC with the following members present:

Burgess Rittelmeyer and Commissioners Smith, Boyer, Spruill and Piechowski.

There was no guest and two residents in attendance.

Burgess Rittelmeyer called the meeting to order and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Burgess Rittelmeyer reported on the trash fees in question from the September 2018 monthly meeting.  It was reported that all entries were correct.  A motion to accept the September financials as presented passed 4 – 0.

After review of the October 2018 financials, a motion to accept them as presented passed 4 – 0.

After review of the October 2018 minutes, a motion to accept them as presented passed 4 – 0.

Commissioner Smith opened discussion on the current CD’s the town has.  He suggested closing out a couple and reopen them at a higher interest rate.

Under old finished business, Burgess Rittelmeyer reported the new town truck is in.

Burgess Rittelmeyer reported the POS projects were approved and we can start them next year.

Burgess Rittelmeyer reported the drop box is installed and being used.  Commissioner Boyer inquired on the completion of the parking pad for the handicap ramp. Burgess Rittelmeyer asked Mary to contact Mr. Shoemaker.

Commissioner Smith reported there is another pothole on Adams St. that needs repaired and one on Church Alley, near the side church door that needs repaired.

Commissioner Piechowski reported he still needs to meet with Mary in reference to the radar sign data.

Commissioner Spruill had nothing to report.

Commissioner Boyer reported the dental office on S Second St has started their addition.

A resident in Copper Oaks asked the Council to reconsider marking a bad spot of curb on Scarlet Oak Ct.  Burgess Rittelmeyer reported that curbs are homeowner’s responsibility.  He will put the street on the streets project plan but not the curb.  A short discussion was held on getting pavers to perform the work in the streets project.  Commissioner Smith said he would try to find one.

Reporter/resident Ken Kellar asked about obtaining a smaller company to do the smaller streets that Kercher will not touch.  Burgess Rittelmeyer explained. Mr. Kellar also inquired on a price to repair the roof on the building at the WWTP.  Burgess Rittelmeyer informed him it would be just over $11,000.

Burgess Rittelmeyer reported the company that was to be in town today to begin cleaning drain pipes did not come, possibly because of the weather.  He reported the daily rate to clean the drains is $1,500.

There being no further business, a motion to adjourn the town meeting and go into closed session passed 4 – 0.