To All Residents:

The February town meeting is rescheduled for Tuesday, February 4th. Thank you!

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Permits and Park Rentals

Town Offices:

Corporation of Woodsboro
Mary E Rice | Town Clerk
Council Drive
P.O. Box 88
Woodsboro MD, 21798

Phone: (301) 898-3800

Woodsboro Town Park Rental and Usage

The Town Of Woodsboro provides three picnic pavilions for Woodsboro and Frederick County residents. Spring through fall residents can rent a pavilion for picnics and social events.

1. Park Rental – To reserve a Woodsboro pavilion you must call the Woodsboro Town Office at 301-898-3800 to ensure the requested date(s) and Pavilion(s) are available and to receive further instructions and approval.

2. Alcohol Permit – Please contact the Town office for an alcohol permit form. No person shall possess alcoholic beverages on Town Parklands except by special permit obtained from the Town Office. There shall be no consumption of alcoholic beverages nor possession of open containers of alcoholic beverages on roadways or parking lots in Town Parklands whether inside a motor vehicle or on foot even with a special permit. ALCOHOL IS TO BE CONSUMED IN PAVILION AREAS ONLY. BEER AND WINE ONLY.

3. Park Rules – This reservation form entitles the applicant to use the pavilion(s) and immediate area only. Other areas of the Park remain open to public access and use. Activities are prohibited in the parking lot.

One approved drop off or mail your fee(s) to:

P. O. BOX 88
FAX 301-845-6257

All checks must be made payable to:  Town Of Woodsboro