May 12, 2015 | Town Council Meeting Minutes
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Council Meetings
Council Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at the meeting room behind St. Johns Church, 8. N. Second St. These public meetings start at 7:00 PM. The public is encouraged to attend. Please contact the Town Office at least two (2) weeks prior to a Council Meeting if you would like to get a topic on the agenda.
Planning and Zoning
Regularly scheduled Woodsboro Planning & Zoning Meetings are held on the first Monday each month at the meeting room behind St. Johns Church, 8. N. Second St. The public is welcome to attend these meetings, which start at 6:00 PM.
Woodsboro Planning & Zoning Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month as needed at 6:00 PM at the meeting room behind St. Johns Church, 8. N. Second St. Please contact the town office to be added to the agenda one (1) month prior to the meeting if you have business to discuss. If there are no topics brought forth to be placed on the agenda 1 month before this meeting, the committee will not meet that month.
Town Offices:
Corporation of Woodsboro
Mary E Rice | Town Clerk
Council Drive
P.O. Box 88
(301) 898-3800
Town Council Meeting Minutes
Woodsboro, Maryland
May 12, 2015
The Woodsboro Town Council met today at 7:00 PM in the Fire Hall with the following members present:
Burgess Smith and Commissioners Trimmer, Rittelmeyer and Spruill. Absent from the meeting was Commissioner Kellar.
There was four guests and fifteen residents in attendance.
Burgess Smith called the meeting to order and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.
After review of the April 2015 minutes a motion to accept them as presented was passed 3 – 0.
After review of the April 2015 financials a motion to accept them as presented passed 3 – 0.
Burgess Smith presented the FY16 Proposed Budget and informed everyone that copies will be available at the Town Hall.
The first line of business was with the Verdant Development Group. A brief overview of the proposed development for the south end of Main Street was given. There were many great questions presented by concerned residents of the town, with answers given to all. Ms. Susan Hauver, Town Zoning Administrator, was in attendance to ask questions and provide answers when needed.
Commissioner Spruill opened discussion on the island at the entrance of Copper Oaks Court. The island was damaged and a resident inquired with him on who owned the property. Burgess Smith thought he had a letter concerning this and will review his records.
Commissioner Spruill expressed concern for above ground pools in town noting a new one that appeared in the back yard of a Main Street residence. He feels the Council needs to address this.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was passed 3 – 0.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary E. Rice
Corporation of Woodsboro