February 14, 2012 | Town Council Meeting Minutes
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Council Meetings
Council Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at the meeting room behind St. Johns Church, 8. N. Second St. These public meetings start at 7:00 PM. The public is encouraged to attend. Please contact the Town Office at least two (2) weeks prior to a Council Meeting if you would like to get a topic on the agenda.
Planning and Zoning
Regularly scheduled Woodsboro Planning & Zoning Meetings are held on the first Monday each month at the meeting room behind St. Johns Church, 8. N. Second St. The public is welcome to attend these meetings, which start at 6:00 PM.
Woodsboro Planning & Zoning Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month as needed at 6:00 PM at the meeting room behind St. Johns Church, 8. N. Second St. Please contact the town office to be added to the agenda one (1) month prior to the meeting if you have business to discuss. If there are no topics brought forth to be placed on the agenda 1 month before this meeting, the committee will not meet that month.
Town Offices:
Corporation of Woodsboro
Mary E Rice | Town Clerk
Council Drive
P.O. Box 88
(301) 898-3800
Meeting Minutes
Woodsboro, Maryland
February 14, 2012
The Woodsboro Town Council met today at 7:00 PM in the Firehall with the following members present:
Burgess Smith and Commissioners Brakebill, Spruill, Rittelmeyer and Trimmer.
There was one guest in attendance.
Burgess Smith called the meeting to order and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Deputy Sutton reported having 77 calls for the month of January. Most of those calls were patrol checks.
After review of the January 2012 minutes, a motion to accept them as presented passed 4 – 0.
After review of the January 2012 financials, a motion to accept them as presented passed 4-0.
Commissioner Rittelmeyer reported on the following; the Lions Club will be planting trees in the park on March 31, 2012. The POS packets are available and Commissioner Rittelmeyer is hoping we can submit for a few maintenance projects. Opening Day for the Rec Council is April 14th and he reiterated the request for a new scoreboard discussed at the January Workshop meeting in which two Council members was absent. Commissioner Rittelmeyer provided a handout of a revised picture of the scoreboard and reported that he reminded the Rec Council that all permits with the County must be obtained before proceeding forward. A motion to accept the new scoreboard as presented in the handout, as long as all permits are obtained, passed 4 – 0.
Commissioner Rittelmeyer also presented a handout of batting cages the Rec Council would like to install and pay for. Commissioner Trimmer had concerns on who would be doing the installation. He fears the Town could end up with a mess like the soccer field. A motion to allow the Rec Council to proceed forward with the batting cage project passed 4 – 0.
By request of the Rec Council, Commissioner Rittelmeyer opened discussion on naming a field after the fallen soldier from Woodsboro. After a brief discussion it was decided not to name any fields after an individual for they are the Woodsboro Regional Park Fields. Commissioner Rittelmeyer then asked if the Town Council wanted to remove the sign at the soccer field. A motion to have the sign taken down passed 4 – 0.
Commissioner Trimmer reminded the Council of the upcoming Fire Department banquet. He then opened discussion on the water hook up at 309 S. Second Street and asked if a one inch or three quarter inch line should be run and if they could run a second lateral from this hook up for the vacant lot adjacent to this property. It was decided that a one inch line be run and only one lateral be done and that was for the current hook up.
Commissioner Spruill had nothing to report.
Commissioner Brakebill provided a handout of where he would like to see crosswalks throughout the town. A brief discussion was held and it was decided that he contact the Town of Walkersville to ask for their assistance because they already have the equipment to do the project.
Burgess Smith reminded everyone of the upcoming Public Hearing for the Source Water Protection Plan on March 13, 2012 in conjunction with the monthly town meeting.
Burgess Smith opened discussion and provided three prices for tires on the red town truck. A motion to go with Sharrer’s Tire Service bid of $711.12 passed 4 – 0.
Commissioner Rittelmeyer reported the Frederick County MML meeting was coming up and Woodsboro is a co-sponsor for this meeting. Burgess Smith and Commissioners Rittelmeyer and Trimmer will be attending.
Commissioner Trimmer inquired on the dates for the MD Rural Water Convention. Mary will obtain those dates for him.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was passed 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary E. Rice
Corporation of Woodsboro