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February 28, 2011 | Town Workshop Meeting Minutes

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Council Meetings

Council Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at the meeting room behind St. Johns Church, 8. N. Second St. These public meetings start at 7:00 PM. The public is encouraged to attend. Please contact the Town Office at least two (2) weeks prior to a Council Meeting if you would like to get a topic on the agenda.

View Council Minutes



Planning and Zoning

Regularly scheduled Woodsboro Planning & Zoning Meetings are held on the first Monday each month at the meeting room behind St. Johns Church, 8. N. Second St. The public is welcome to attend these meetings, which start at 6:00 PM.

Woodsboro Planning & Zoning Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month as needed at 6:00 PM at the meeting room behind St. Johns Church, 8. N. Second St. Please contact the town office to be added to the agenda one (1) month prior to the meeting if you have business to discuss.  If there are no topics brought forth to be placed on the agenda 1 month before this meeting, the committee will not meet that month.

Planning & Zoning Minutes


Town Offices:

Corporation of Woodsboro
Mary E Rice | Town Clerk
Council Drive
P.O. Box 88
Woodsboro MD, 21798

Phone: (301) 898-3800

Meeting Minutes

Woodsboro, Maryland
February 28, 2011

The regular scheduled Workshop Meeting of the Woodsboro Town Council was held on Monday, February 28, 2011 at the Town Hall with the following members present:

Burgess Smith, Commissioners Rittelmeyer, Eaves and Rensberger. Absent from the meeting was Commissioner Brakebill.

There was two guests and one resident in attendance.

Burgess Smith called the meeting to order.

The first line of business was the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Marc Angleberger gave a report and informed the Council he will be asking for a reduction in sampling. There are still a few things that need attention and Marc has contacted Frederick Septic to begin those tasks. It was decided that Marc compile a list of all permits and their expiration dates and a list of things needing repairs. A copy of both will then be kept at the Town Hall. Marc informed the Council of the generator at Well House 4 being outdated and parts not being made any longer; he suggests consideration of obtaining a new one. Commissioner Rensberger asked for the Job Description as promised and Marc informed him he has been busy getting the plant back into compliance but will produce one. Marc also informed the Council the Lab can not analyze anything that spilled out because there is nowhere to start.

The next line of business was with Jim Bonneville, Code Enforcement Officer for the Town. Jim informed the Council that Walkersville has seized the task of updating their codes due to the time and cost of the project. Jim met with the Town of Thurmont’s Code Enforcer and was able to obtain valuable information and handouts. A discussion was then held on how to proceed forward with updating the Town’s codes and it was decided to allow Jim to begin updating them. Jim will do a comparison to Thurmont’s codes, tweak things where needed and report back to the Council at a later date with those changes. A discussion was then held on which codes he should concentrate on first. The top four suggested was grass height, junk cars, snow removal and curfew. A motion to allocate 100 hours to the project and bring our codes to date was passed 3 – 0.

After review of the January 2011 minutes, a motion to accept them as presented passed 3 – 0.

Commissioner Rensberger opened a bid for the soccer field project in the Park that was submitted by Mid-Cities Construction. The presented bid was in the amount of $22,560.00. Commissioner
Rensberger informed the Council the grant was for $20,300.00 but he was able to cut back on the exercise station and wetland expenses and we would be fine by accepting this bid. A motion to accept Mid-Cities Construction bid was passed 3 – 0.

Resident Don Trimmer questioned how much of the cross country course would be taken away by enlarging the soccer field and Commissioner Rensberger reported that possibly none of the course would be taken. A brief discussion of where the existing course is was held and Burgess Smith will contact Coach Wilhelm to have him meet with Commissioner Rensberger to go over where the current course goes. Commissioner Rensberger announced the construction will begin in a couple weeks.

Commissioner Rensberger announced Opening Day for the Rec Council Sports will be on April 9, 2011. There will be a moon bounce staffed by the Rec Council and Burgess Smith will be on hand to make a few comments.

Commissioner Rensberger reported the waterless/recyclable toilet is constructed and painted and there are still a few small items that need done yet. A discussion was then held on the best way to get the toilet pumped out when needed.

Commissioner Rensberger reported the fishing pier is in the water and one more float is still needed to help level it. The stabilizing cables that are attached to the posts are also under water. Resident Don Trimmer asked if the Insurance Company had inspected it yet and Commissioner Rensberger informed him they have not. Mary will contact the Insurance Company to inform them of the improvement. A discussion was then held on the rope railing and its safety. Burgess Smith suggested Commissioner Rensberger contact the contractor to inquire on a solution for a knee height rail to accommodate those with a disability.

Commissioner Rittelmeyer complimented the construction bridge recently completed and suggested lying blacktop along the bridge where the gravel still exist.

Commissioner Rittelmeyer reported on the Maryland Municipal League meeting he recently attended and provided handouts from the meeting.

Commissioner Eaves had nothing new to report.

There being no further business a motion to adjourn passed 4 – 0.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary E. Rice
Corporation of Woodsboro